
That is tied with the Ray Don rant as my all time faves

This movie has so many people I love. I will however never see it.


Correct! Because many of them never got the chance to rise to those heights, often in large part thanks to their abusers!

Very paternalistic.

Tahani forever! Cannot wait for season 3.

Right? She is so not a stick.

Sure Marco , sure you don’t.

This is peak FOX bullshit.

I like this one too:

dude who played Kemper was so good. Manson is in season two, can’t wait to see who they cast.

That is some excellent dadding right there.

She really seems to be having a lot of fun since coming back. 

Fuuuuuck you Betty!

Can we also take a moment for Doocey saying that the guy “started shooting with a real gun” after losing a game? Does he think there are guns in Madden?

Jesus, I had totally forgotten about that!

He’s been around since Fred was in charge. I can’t begin to imagine all that he knows!

I actually think in terms of the organization itself he is a bigger fish. He’s been around since Fred. He knows where ALL the bodies are buried.

Ooh, I didn’t know Ronan was on the safe story. This should be good.