This never would have happened if not for the DNC's machinations to keep the true populist hero of the American left down.
This never would have happened if not for the DNC's machinations to keep the true populist hero of the American left down.
I honestly think the most damning critique of Ready Player One is just posting dialogue from Ready Player One.
At risk of sounding gruesome, I think Gwen Ifill picked a pretty damn good time to die.
Also, I try to avoid mocking Ann Coulter for her looks (being emaciated is the least of her sins) but what the fuck is with her hand in that photo? I mean twisting the truth is one thing, but that's some contortionist shit right there.
She also disapproves of Trump involving his children in government affairs, calling it “the one fascist thing he’s done."
He also thinks Alex Jones is the greatest artist of the 21st century (!!!)
In the couch-ruining scene, does Hitchcock still have the tattoo of him shooting himself in the mouth!?!?
I've literally never played against another woman at Friday Night Magic.
Possibly because (generalizing here) fantasy is about looking backwards and science fiction is about looking forwards?
I had mixed feelings about most of Power Rangers 2017, but the teenage cast was adorable. So yay for this kid.
No, I agree completely. PB&J always tasted soggy to me.
I really, really want to believe that "$19 avocado toast" is hyperbole. I really, really do.
Is this like American vs Mexican Coke? I honestly don't know the difference between kinds of Nutella.
No love for jam or jelly?
I called avocado toast disgusting, not avocados. I cannot stress enough: avocados taste pretty good! They are not, however, a nutritious alternative to butter, and they should not be eaten with bread.
I also hate Nutella.
I like avocados. I have never looked at a slice of toast and thought "this would taste so much better if I slathered an avocado on it."
Avocado toast: for when you want to slather disgusting tasting shit all over your toast, but you're too self-conscious about your whiteness to use mayonnaise.
So is this a conflation of the first four books? You've got Professor Pippy P. Poopypants and the Talking Toilets, and I think the zombie nerds from book three are in there too.
Well, there was an inferior spinoff called Super Diaper Baby, which is closer to what you're thinking.