
I stopped watching to protest the been there done that 1000xs doppelganger story. I DVR and erase at any mention. It is lazy, boring and never works out in the end.

I have stuck with the show, knowing that the ending will not tie up any story lines. But tonight, story telling was really on point.

OK champ, if you have seen the trailers, this is not going to be a flattering portrayal of the church…again..the new pope has already done exactly what most Catholics are tired of their Pontiff doing, inserting himself into politics into of spiritual guidance.

Outside of the UK, who really always seems to really love this anti Catholic trash, even the critics are not buying this nonsense this time.

Better episode, actually some story telling that was not turned to gobblygook with forcing new characters, but I am still struggling with, where do they go.

Yes, best episode, yes most ambitious episode yet with weaving multiple stories together.

I keep reading that a show started in 2009 made FFL cool, and think, typical media trying to take credit.