
but it clearly says '5' on the back of his shirt?

reminds me of this

Alternate Brawl in the Family comic.

Me too. I love me some Stan Bush. It just makes things better. I play Street Fighter to Stan Bush (and Ron Wasserman!).

You are a bit hung up on "grammar." It is not so much grammar as linguistic style or usage. In Europe it is one way; in American usage, it is another. Your talk of of substance and independence and unitary entity subunits is gobbeldygook. Again, look at how it is done by respectable journalistic outlets in the US.

Yeah! Nothing like putting thousands out of a job because of a bad mobile game!

Now playing

Like inward singing? The most powerful tool in singing technology since yodelling!

It is like picking Ebony & Ivory if Stevie Wonder died.

It's a Balder Knight from DaS, so it's hollow face, not black face.

Did you sell your soul recently?

Cheating! If he would have swiped it with his finger or hand it would have been good. But a dvd case is cheating man :(

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BAH Everyone know THIS is the only wrestling game worth talking about.

With just a little luck
A little cold blue steel
I cut the night like a razor blade
Till I feel the way I want to feel

So take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
Learn to live so free...

Now playing

This is going to blow one ball of hot nickel out of the water!