
Eating at subway, last I heard

Unless they changed it since I got my paper published on this topic in an IP Law/Tech Journal, Content ID dispute does not equal Copyright strike. Copyright strike requires a separate process, which may be started from a content ID dispute. But they are not the same thing.

Below is a nice summary of color marks and the TMEP manual for registering color marks. Depending on how you want to argue it, you can actualy own and trademark the color itself. The US is pretty liberal with color registration compared to other countries.

and in superman / JLA / JLAU, Luther got kryptonite cancer due to always being around or carrying the green rock. And, he blames superman for it, until Ultrahuminate builds him a nice suit of armor which over time and use cures luther of the cancer but wait! we find out that braniac cures him of the cancer as luther

Don’t worry, with as stiff as that looks, you might have the perfect skill set. :)

Perhaps not, but it could replace it.

The male Japan team had a similar error like that two world cups ago, if memory serves me right. At least here, it was a keeper that had not been tested. With the male group it was an odd bounce from a friendly pass-back. Still, shake it off Japan!!!

Two thoughts: 1) pre-mature braking. Instead of looking at the truck braking we would be looking at the cars in the video braking. 2) how about we listen to drivers ed and not tailgate the trucks.

Easily one of the most underrated games of the PS3, especially with the multiple play throughs and the final ending if you collect everything.

See, what they should have done is this: build-up meter by taking damage, connecting moves, etc. At same time, have Smash HP %. You can keep all 3 levels of specials (though I would prefer to remove the final ones as they pretty much sucked). Either way, the lower the HP, the lower chance a special will insta kill. To

Exactly. It is a portmanteau. To say that we cannot combine quad and copter to create quadcopter would be like saying we cannot ever use the word affluenza. Affluezna is a portmanteau of affluent and influenza, but when we use the word, we do not mean it is epidemic; instead, we mean that it is a disease affecting

Next step: getting people to stop using their dryers. I remember studying in Japan and a fellow American was seriously considering spending a good number of gs to buy a small dryer for the short time we were in Japan simply because he did not like the idea of air-drying.

Even TV’s animated spider man lost his powers while fighting the sinister six. it happens.

Agreed that is much cleaner and friendlier than gmail. I always had a hotmail account and religiously used gmail but when got its update, it just flowed so much better and reads better than gmail. Plus, the quick actions in far surpass gmail’s functionality in terms of deleting,

Same. moviebob, when he was with escapist, had a couple episodes on suckerpunch. not bad eps:

I prefer Suckerpunch more.

Funny story, in Norse mythology, that’s how Sleipnir is born: Loki turns into a mare in order to entice the giant’s horse in order to delay the building of the wall around asgard.