
As much as I enjoyed Suh, his antics cost the Lions a lot. I am torn about him leaving but on balance, it is a good thing for the lions. let him mess up another team.

My wife: "Please don't destroy winnie the pooh for me."

It's the combination of those listed elements, especially including the tilt of the keys, that BB is defining as its trade dress.

oh the muter museum is such a place....loved it there. had crepes afterwards.

But was he really a villain?

As much as I like this video, the Matrix is pretty much an upgraded Dark City....

Yea, but can accomplish the feats of Utgard-Loki: drink from the drinking horn, lift the cat from the floor, and wrestle the toothless old woman?

also driving at certain times. my friend had to change it because he gets off work at 12am and the system had it defaulted to some "normal" 9-5 time.

Oh give him a break. Last time he caught a blonde didn't go so well.

I bet he was just trying to dock with brad...

Nothing to see here. Move along

I blame Ford Field. If they would just start serving sliders then we wouldn't have this problem.

Oprah Winfrey, Viola Davis, or Octavia Spencer. Come on C. C. H. Pounder is perfect for the role!! Not only was she THE voice of Amanda Waller on Justice League, etc. but look at her! She is perfect.

Luigi Frame II: Crimson Butterflied

Depends. If Nintendo does not continue to implement Amiibos and if people forget about them, it could take a long time for it to appreciate in value. Additionally, if more are found, then the value could also decrease or fail to appreciate quickly or substantially. I know that video games and accessories can and

Thinking the same thing.

Yeah but I would still be laughing at his name. "Hey, how would you like a shake with that milk?"

I don't know if I should be impressed or sad.