
yes! many yeses!

seriously! and that's why they have such hard shells. Damn needlefish always going around and trying to pop the turtle

Ah the stone protectors is strong with this one

Huh, and only one that can dive? Surprised there aren't more :P

I totally did not see the r there! And here I was, lost imagining how to fist a sea...

Plot hole, no probable cause to believe car contained contraband.

too bad the tornado blew the others away....

Yea, those freaking positronic relays man!!

don't tell me you fear the bat's man

Yep, and in fact Lambo owns a TM registration in the US for the motion of its doors: Trademark Office Reg. No. 2793439: "The mark consists of the unique motion in which the door of a vehicle is opened. The doors move parallel to the body of the vehicle but are gradually raised above the vehicle to a parallel position."

Gull wing doors are the ones like on the delorean and Benz 300sl.

Technically, if you consider Rugrats Go Wild as Rugrats, then Wild Thornberrys = Rugrats,

Nice! I dig this better because it reminds me of duckamuck more.

Yes, this is correct, and something the poster seems to miss. Just to add to your point: Just because people use the trademark as a different part of speech does not automatically mean that the word has lost is trademark source identifying feature. So, the fact that people use Nintendo as a noun is not dispositive

Meh, for a personal preference of how the auto-correct-and-then-manual-edit function goes, some phones are good (I really enjoy my HTC windows 7 phone) and others are crap (the ipad and iphone).

RIP James Avery

@0:59, I have that same exact tea pot(?) and you don't pour the tea out of it; you sit the cup under the dispenser and it flows out of the bottom spout. that way you don't get tea leaves in your drink. why man, why?

YES! Thank you

Pretty much I look at the later episodes of Friends as the American version of Coupling, even though coupling was influenced by the earlier seasons of Friends. I remember one episode with Tom Selleck that was spit for spit a rip off a Coupling episode. Have to rewatch coupling to see which one.