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Well, someone's gotta drink the koolaid.

Better than a dick i suppose.

I'll just leave this here (btw, they lost in the EU)

If you look closely, it is not such a waster.

You mean Dinobot, right? ;)

It is not exactly Hamill, but still keeps the essence of what I have come to know Joker as....after watching Batman Animated Series, etc. since a kid. Keeping the essence of the voice but with a few nuances (more raspy every now and then and a different laugh) I find great. Not a perfect Hamill-joker but the Joker

has he done two balls of hot nickel?

I know that you are supposed to wait for the pee at the end so you know there is no more left...but sometimes you are on break between some big projects at work and need a quick deuce. So you cant wait for the pee at the end. Of course then you have to cut it off or push it out but lord knows that you just blew an

and talk about those school nurses! ( they still have those..?)

can sega patent that business method?

And downloaded.

Carmaggedon anyone?

the C/D letter sadly is talking these days...It's the first line of discussion. Sometimes it takes the receiver of the letter to say hey let's make a deal. At least in this instance, they were already in costumes

Ever play blur? It was a fun game that had a good mix of Mario Kart-esque items and a decent driving play style

Yes, but I think the question is: with the added charcoal, would the amount of CO emitted be greater than a regular wax candle and enough to potentially cause harm?

No, code is right. It needed a one-liner.

Fatal Frame II

I snorkeled in a place in Cancun, Mexico and had a similar experience. I had just gotten into the the water, saw some parrot fish, heard them chomping, and then all of a sudden, I had a huge ass barracuda with massive jaw/teeth nastiness swim right pasted me. His fins struck my cheek as he swan by. I looked at my

Thank you for including this!! I came here to post that episode. Also, the one in which he returns because of the messed up dark magic the bullied kids perform is also heart-wrenching. Poor bird nose.