I thought Baylon 4 was constucted to be able to move and B5 didn't include that feature due to finance issues?
I thought Baylon 4 was constucted to be able to move and B5 didn't include that feature due to finance issues?
I frankly really doubt that there's any rule or law stating that a Minbari MUST have a caste-approved crest. The different types of crests are a custom, but I don't think anyone would go nuts if a convert stuck to the old look.
I frankly really doubt that there's any rule or law stating that a Minbari MUST have a caste-approved crest. The different types of crests are a custom, but I don't think anyone would go nuts if a convert stuck to the old look.
What, what's wrong with the collarless shirts? I think that's one of the better, most solid examples of "future fashion" I've encountered…
What, what's wrong with the collarless shirts? I think that's one of the better, most solid examples of "future fashion" I've encountered…
I just noticed it for the first time in the accompanying video… When the skull break's off Bart's skeleton, it wobbles and lands upside down on the spikes. That's… kinda great.
I just noticed it for the first time in the accompanying video… When the skull break's off Bart's skeleton, it wobbles and lands upside down on the spikes. That's… kinda great.
The Shadow "Battlecrabs" are easily one of my favorite sci-fi designs ever. They look so cool and sinister.
The Shadow "Battlecrabs" are easily one of my favorite sci-fi designs ever. They look so cool and sinister.
I don't really understand the complaint. The idealogical background of the Shadow War worked quite well as the motive of the Shadows, and it makes sense to address idealogical differences by rhetorical means.
I don't really understand the complaint. The idealogical background of the Shadow War worked quite well as the motive of the Shadows, and it makes sense to address idealogical differences by rhetorical means.
Just note that it's called "Ex Machina" (due to the nature of the superhero's powers), not "Deus Ex Machina." It was written by Brian K. Vaughan, whom you might know from such works as Y: The Last Man and Runaways. It's a pretty interesting mesh of science fiction and politics.
Just note that it's called "Ex Machina" (due to the nature of the superhero's powers), not "Deus Ex Machina." It was written by Brian K. Vaughan, whom you might know from such works as Y: The Last Man and Runaways. It's a pretty interesting mesh of science fiction and politics.
B5 doesn't really use FTL travel per se though, does it? Hyperspace travel simply correlates disproportionately to realspace travel.
B5 doesn't really use FTL travel per se though, does it? Hyperspace travel simply correlates disproportionately to realspace travel.
What’s your gender and age? Male, 21.
What’s your gender and age? Male, 21.
I had actually seen a lot of people theorize beforehand that airbenders had the best shot against Equalists because they're so rare and appropriately difficult to train for. Airbending specifically makes the close-quarters chi-blocking moves useless since it allows you to control the space of the encounter.
I had actually seen a lot of people theorize beforehand that airbenders had the best shot against Equalists because they're so rare and appropriately difficult to train for. Airbending specifically makes the close-quarters chi-blocking moves useless since it allows you to control the space of the encounter.
Why would it be implausible that a skilled non-bender martial artist can defeat other skilled non-bender martial artists?