Born Analog

Oh god, our graphic novel collection just gets obliterated. It's great that we have one, and that it's popular, but it's so frustrating to know that a lot of the cool new stuff will be gone without a trace before you know it. On a sobering note, we've had missing materials turn up when local tent encampments have been

It's interesting - I think classical and jazz used to be two of our most popular sections, but now we circulate a ton of Christian, country, hip-hop, and rock. We've definitely seen a shift in demographics in what is being checked out.

I work in an area where meth and heroin use is pretty high, so I'm not sure our thieves are thinking too far ahead. Our level of theft isn't nearly as bad as it used to be, but it still happens enough to take a gouge out of my materials budget when I have to constantly replace more popular items. A lot of what we see

Yep! We get a few of those too. I guess I prefer them to the people who just straight up steal what we have. Just today I got a list of over 40 CDs that were recovered from a storage locker in town. They were taken before we started double-shelving the bulk of our collection. If we had more room I'd have them all

I think there will always be the urge to have small, lovingly-curated home collections of books and media. I'm happy to see that small indie music and book stores are doing well again. Being a librarian, I've heard no end about the impending death of print media, but all signs point to that never completely happening

It may sound really funny, but access. I'm the music buyer for a public library that serves a community of 100K+. Our music collection is really popular with our patrons, but at present we only have the ability to loan CDs. There are paid digital services to which we could subscribe that would allow us to loan music