Born-Again Pastafarian

I was thinking the fact that he had sex in undergrad was the outrageous sex rumor.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

me too, it reminded me how young she really was.

That poor girl. She had survived a lot of difficult things in her short life and then murderers decided to end it.

I look at the guy’s face, have to look away, then look again..... There is a lot going on behind those eyes.

Fuck these two. That poor child :(.

Thank you for not putting the honor roll, athlete extraordinaire image that every news outlet has been using over and over again. This is much more representative.

Somehow when I read the headline I thought they had only been caught *plotting* the kidnap and murder, and the wee lamb was still alive.

I wished I believed in hell. There can be no justice for that poor little girl. No punishment will ever be enough.

Well, the dead-eyed faces of banal evil. There you are. That poor child.

NO SCURVY. It’s all you really want out of a tampon.

I am very much about the fortune idea...or like words of encouragement “Yes, now is a good time to burn your office to the ground”

What if they impregnated the applicators with pain killers? Could we do that?

Yeah or like a joke or riddle. Something to make us laugh as we’re wondering how at 32, we could let another pair of underwear and jeans get stained.

I don’t see anything mentioning bluetooth capabilities.... Not a man packaging.

They probably suggested making it pink. Everyone knows women are colorblind to every wavelength of light except pink.

Now I don’t know anything about design, but I really feel like they should come with a piece of chocolate and a midol inside each wrapper. Oh, and slip of paper with your fortune on it.

I mean considering the number of men I’ve known who thought tampons were clearly being used as little dildos, I wouldn’t put it past them to suggest the applicator be ribbed.