Born-Again Pastafarian

do you mean tossed salad?

*Something something gay fish*

Can we get a separate Kardashian dirt bag from the regular one? Other celebs need coverage of more than one sentence too. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF THEM?!

Oh Kayne.

I like pictures and videos Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends

Oh my god is Kanye actually a six year old? Protip: If you don’t like booty play live your life but if someone implies you do don’t go on a multi tweet tirade about how you totally don’t. One snarky tweet will suffice, but now the yeezus doth protest too much.

A man who probably likes fingers in his butt felt the need to tell millions of strangers that he doesn’t like fingers in his butt!! Yes, it’s officially comedy now.

I'm not gonna lie, a public breakdown by Kanye over his fragile ego being shattered sounds delicious. Please tell me this is only the beginning and we can expect an entire "I don't like butt stuff, seriously!" episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.

Somehow Kanye’s latest tweets pushed this whole thing from sad and trashy and kind of gross to high comedy for me.

I think calling Dr. Debbie Magids a Doctor is a stretch as well.

“Celebrity” edition seems like a stretch.

How I envy/fear/am perplexed by the 1% that has never heard of Donald Trump.

“I like him because he’s a businessman,” said North Carolinian Linda Wilkerson. “He does what he says he’s going to do. I’ve seen him lose a ton of money and bounce back. We’re in terrible financial debt. I hope he can bail us out.”

I will never tire of watching Mr. Toad punch that grimy little pimp.

I definitely want this to happen because I feel like Trump would resort to punching Ted Cruz in the face.

I feel like i have known more reasonable babies.

Trump is having an adult tantrum. Quit making me defend Kelly!

This is the beginning of his exit strategy. He never intended to get this far and is desperate for an excuse to flounce out.

Presumably because there might still be sane people left alive in the republican wasteland who will find his refusal to participate in a debate based on his personal interactions with a moderator to be an ill omen towards becoming a president expected to deal with foreign leaders.

You are being generous with your grading system.