
If I’m being paid 30K a year to steam video games, sign me up, I’d be totally comfortable wearing a bikini top a few hrs a night... This coming from a 34 year old man. There’s GOTTA be a market for that right? this IS the internet we’re talking about...

not if you get to the bike week using one of these...

The Governor of Florida... FLORIDA - Key word..... what did he expect from anything relating to Florida? Isn’t it just assumed at this point that as soon as “Florida” is mentioned it’s usually immediately followed by “something/someone did something crazy there”

It’s possible I’m mistaken here, but isn’t this already what goes on at Republican debates/conventions? Maybe I just assumed incorrectly?

ugh, the Human Republi-pede.

It seems to me, the public has learned this very behavior from its very own police agencies in their communities. Funny how when the police treat their populace like dying dogs in the street, they’re the ones that immediately cry foul when the populace does the same... here’s an idea.... have you tried to “lead by

otherwise known as: republican policy making at it’s best

crazy, I expect... but Florida actually has a large democratic/liberal population (see: Miami, Tampa/St Petersburg, and Jacksonville) this republican shit-show shouldn’t happen so easily there.

Jesus fucking Christ, I’m sick and fucking tired of hearing about republifucks removing health care in the name of “safety” when this all has been proven time and time again to be fucking FALSE. ENOUGH ALREADY! pretty please, with a fucking cherry on top? This is 2016 for fucks sake, why are these fucks dragging us

I don’t think you’re wrong, I think this election cycle sets a new precedent for the low-level of personal attacks. I never remember it being this bad, sure, there were some bad moments in the past. But nothing like this level of bat-shit-crazy. This I think is partly the reason why people can’t figure out why he’s

I totally get ya, I do, really. But, he leaves you literally no other option. We’ve tried facts, the truth, confrontation.. .and he just continually brushes it off and misdirects away. It’s really hard to form a reasonable argument against him, when he forces you into the gutter before you can even utter a word. I

perhaps aim a little higher?

Maybe, but I’m no neigh-sayer.

I think we need to branch out of our comfort zones, we can’t continue to beet this dead horse.

now you’re stalking. really appealing to my well-grounded roots.

73% of gardens are actually abortion centers in disguise.

73% of all food isn’t cooked at an internal temperature of 175 degrees.

73% of tires end up in my neighbor’s backyard

73% of sticks get chewed by dogs.

Well, at least we now have an official entry-fee of douchebaggery. I would have figured it’d be lower.... way to set the bar high.