
Then there’s the group of people that will see this as nothing but an insanely hard challenge to overcome:

I’m just hoping once Cosby does finally testify in court, he’ll just mumble:

holy crap, can We get a TL;DR version?

“Clinton will benefit from having an amount of corporate backing to rival both Rubio and Cruz, but will also have the profound financial “

*if it even runs to begin with.

“that what they were doing was wrong in her eyes and in God’s eyes and that no one in Gilmer County would ever marry them,”

better yet, give him the presidency!

i’m thinking the reasoning is also more along the lines of needing this is as proof, to possibly be later used at a court hearing. in addition to all the over evidence.

because, endangering/harming/neglecting animals is also ILLEGAL (in addition to also being amoral, and full of douchbaggery)

except, this quote comes to mind:

This was as close as I could get. Please feel free to improve if you have better photoshop skills than I have.

fixed it.

seems an easier solution here is to just wrap the tires in a small amount of red carpet. problem solved, while still being fiscally responsible.

hmm, gives a new meaning to the term to “HIGHer education” amirite?

how?? did you forget you’re on a gawker-site?

haha, you are correct, fixed.

republican gun owners see no use for your “logic”