
no, but I will not buy products that use proprietary connectors as their only interface. I won’t buy products where every accessory costs 4x what it should because of those proprietary interfaces. I will not buy products that lock me in to their “ecosystem”.
HDMI, DVD, Blu-Ray, Bluetooth, USB, headphone jack are world

no, but I will not buy products that use proprietary connectors as their only interface. I won’t buy products where

just one more reason in the already long list of why I don't now and never will own an iPhone.

just one more reason in the already long list of why I don't now and never will own an iPhone.

Ford Prefect of course. now where's my towel?

counterpoint, I recently rode both and much to my surprise, I preferred the Harley. everything was just easier, simpler and more comfortable on the Harley. the Wing is half a sport bike wrapped in 300 lbs or touring gear and you have to ride it more actively. there are waaaaay too many buttons on the Honda, about 30

I recently rented a Harley ultra and a gold wing two separate weekends to go riding with my wife, fully expecting to hate the Harley and love the Honda (life long Honda guy)..... but it was the exact opposite. everything about the Harley was just easier and simpler, and the Harley felt calm and stable at all times,

speaking of companies Jalopnik loves to mock, I saw an actual television commercial for Elio the other day. makes me hopeful that they are on the verge of actually being able to deliver product.

so, what you are saying is that we can blame everything after Y2K on you.


everyone forgets when you go to yoke steering, you need to change the steering ratio from factory 15:1 ratio to about 1:1 so you get full lock at about 45degrees rotation rather than 720

honestly, get an old Volvo station wagon, hand it to the ICON guy with this list.

there is a large amount of random orientation carbon fiber stuff being prototyped where they basically put a bunch of chopped CF in a mold compress it, inject resin and bake, for things like suspension uprights and engine blocks and other components that need to take loads from many different directions.

why wouldn't you get the same advantage vs fiberglass in a random fiber orientation matrix (chopper gun laid) that you get in a precise fiber orientation (woven cloth) application? the inherently stronger fibers mean you could use less fibers and proportionally less resin for a same strength product with super low

most boats are made from chopped fiberglass, I would imagine you could use this material in the same basic process.

additionally, there has been a lot of experimentation in the world of (glass)fiber reinforced concrete, I would imagine reclaimed carbon fiber would be a good match for this too.

and a nice new Cessna is also orders of magnitude more capable than a terrafugia. the Cessna can carry 4 people further and faster. the TF is 2 people max. the Cessna is instrument rated, the TF as an LSA can not be operated beyond VFR ever.

What were the 10 _least_ expensive cars sold at the PB auctions?

#9, while undoubtedly of great historical significance is just plain ugly. every single line on that car is bad. it looks like somebody dropped a fiberglass bodykit for a ferravette on a truck chassis.

<insert snare drum/hi-hat badum-bum-smash GIF here>

it is not that the flying car is the answer to a question nobody asked, it is just that it is the dumbest of all possible answers.
for the price of 4 excellent aircraft and 4 excellent cars you can have a single vehicle that is 75% worse at everything than your dedicated purpose car or aircraft. (source: a nice used

he's either an NFL artist or a branch manager for a mortgage company in new jersey, according to the goog.

RTFA, as far as current power generation they did.

in my two car family, we could trivially replace one of our cars with an EV with 80 mile range. We do, as a family, frequently take long trips for vacations and family visits, hence our need for one “range unlimited” vehicle, but when one of our current cars lets go, an off lease Leaf is high on my list of cars to