so, say you are one of the morons who buys into geico’s shit and gets their insurance tracking dongle (which uses wireless commo to snitch on you to the insurance company)
bet that thing is a car hacker's wet dream...
so, say you are one of the morons who buys into geico’s shit and gets their insurance tracking dongle (which uses wireless commo to snitch on you to the insurance company)
bet that thing is a car hacker's wet dream...
I used to own a TR-7 coupe. that car was total blast until I tried to downshift to 4th at ~100 to accelerate up a hill and hit second (shift linkage was a bit loose)... never ran right after that.
I really miss that car. NP all the freaking way. for that price, throw the top away and drive it on sunny days only, when…
you know what this car is? cheap as hell. dependable. beige as fuck.
as such it provides you with a disposable commuter car that you don’t mind when it gets dented, doored, vandalized, broken in to or stolen. you don’t mind one bit driving it on shitty ass city roads with car eating potholes.
it is a disposable…
the problem with making your own beef jerky at home is that you eat it all in 2 days and have to make another batch, which you eat in 2 days and have to make another batch, which you eat in 2 days and.......
seriously, the stuff is like meth but made of beef.
the problem with making your own beef jerky at home is that you eat it all in 2 days and have to make another batch,…
this is a super duty, each passenger needs one for the mountain dew, and one for the dip spit cup.
a couple decades ago, the narrowbodies didn't have the range for coast to coast non-stop. as soon as they could do that, domestic widebody travel disappeared on all but the most dense routes (Boston/NY/DC to LA/SF primarily)
dammit, why the hell can’t we get Kei cars in this country? we suffered through 15 years of K-cars, we should be rewarded with little nuggets of Japanese fun.
they use it on rocketships within inches of billion dollar sattelites.... probably safe enough for F1.
LMP-1 cars are starships compared to indy cars, and far more advanced in many ways than F1. it is only deliberate restrictions that keep them slower than F1.
fighter jets have (depending on the model) explosive bolts to blow off the canopy or explosives embedded in the actual canopy to shatter it to get it out of the way for ejection. no reason an F1 cockpit couldn't have the same thing.
yes, zero/zero as in zero speed, zero altitude.
this is the new penalty for exceeding track limits. “Fernando, you have crossed the track limits sensor 3 times, ejection will commence in 3...2..FOOMP!”
we then get the spectacle of an unpiloted car careening into the barriers a cool rocket launch and parachute landing! would be even better if the pilots were wearing…
Lithium is not actually rare in the scarcity sense at all. the rare means they are not usually found in pure form and need significant refining to extract. Lithium is incredibly common. so common that China used their mines to drive the price so low that American mines all shut down due to being unprofitable.
well, given that a head-on between two battlewagons would result in the formation of a smallish black hole, the 20 of us would probably be better off dead than living through the experience of the earth slowly being sucked into the black hole....
not in the Battlewagon. that thing was a tank.
also, that's a box truck (think U Haul) not a "Big Rig"
to be fair, Mercedes took their existing, fully mature commercial truck, stripped off the drivetrain and fuel system and bolted in a bunch of off the shelf components and said “TADA!!!!” pretty much the equivalent of converting a gas golf cart to electric, or those eVW Beetle conversions that were all the rage 4 years…
it would be nice if the nu-Supra was just an FR-S with a big motor and some bodywork/suspension upgrades in the vein of the original Celica Supra. sadly this will be a 4000 lb monster.
in 1976 my parents bought the American made passenger car you could get, a Ford LTD stationwagon with a big v8 and heavy duty…
kinetic energy goes up with the square of the speed, so increasing speed by 13.8% (65-74) increases kinetic energy by 29.6%. that’s a lot.
it also lengthens stopping distances accordingly and reduces reaction time margin.