
the mother in law was his first trophy wife. now he finally gets to stop paying alimony!

no, you didn't. the title still says track day and your unfounded assertion that the 'ring is one of the most dangerous tracks is still in the story.

never sell a car to a relative, friend, neighbor or business associate. nothing good can come of this.

that is truly remarkable and wonderful.

how many of the approximately 8 million go faster holes are actually functional? what percentage of the grill mouth is just black plastic? why the stupid looking multi-level rear spoiler? what is the weight and torsional rigidity penalty of the removable top?

why all the appearance/luxury only doodads on what is

were I in the market for an exotic car, a McLaren would be last on my list.
I’m fully aware that they are technological masterpieces and fantastic to drive, well made, etc etc.

but they are ugly with a capital F. all plastic boy racer speed holes, fake vents and tortured bodywork to make the company logo subliminally

they are fake go faster vents (except _maybe_ on the -R model) but in any case, even if they are real, there is no reason they could not have been eliminated and the air to feed the brakes come from the main grill

I just do not get the love for this car. it’s like a 10 year old who’s watched too many fast and furious movies idea of what a jag should look like. all fake vents and fart cans and deliberately mistuned engine just to make the exhaust sound artificially sporty. fake on top of fake. to top it off an automatic

never been a fan of the Avanti (at least any Avanti after Studebaker went under) and this abomination is like rectal herpes on Heidi Klum.

the real happiest place on earth....

this is the first time I’ve looked at an i8 and not thought “god, that is an ugly car”

the great majority of American brand car ads seem to be structured thusly: bring in fake panelists, explain to them that the product in question doesn’t suck as much as they think, have them make surprised noises. formula 2 is "their product sucks more than ours", formula 3 is "JD Power says..."
European car ads

so, squiderific asshat motorcyclists encounter road ragey asshat drunk driver on the highway, stupidity precedes and ensues.

they should all have their vehicles confiscated and licenses revoked.

the more electronic crap they pile on cars the more I just want my old triumph spitfire back.

I think the P1 is awful.
look at a closeup of the front end and half or more of the “grille” and other openings are blanked off black plastic that serve no purpose. the shape of many of the body lines have nothing to do with function, but instead serve as a mechanism to insert the company logo subliminally in as many

name one common design element between that ugly sack of crap (the P1) and the photos of the AM-RB
the P1 is a generic mid engine GT in the pattern of a Ferrari 458, with little or no through and underbody aero.
the design is fussy and complicated with much of the design dictated by appearance instead of function

yeah, no. you are wrong in every way imaginable. they both have 4 wheels and an engine. other than that they share nothing in design.
the Macnugget is a turd sandwich design wise.

1:1 in what units? mixed English metric HP:KG? PS:Lbs? Watts per horsehead? torques per cup size?

dammit. now I have to change my underpants again.

partially amortize R&D on structures, materials, aero concepts while building brand rep to sell more of the ones they do make money on.