
Yeah, Earthling is awesome. Dead Man Walking, The Letter, Little Wonder.. great times. Fat of the Land is fantastic too; they've made good albums since then but none as good as FOTL.

This album had great B-Sides too, like their take on "Happiness is a warm gun"… There was another mix of it that I liked best though…

This. I remember feeling so weirded out when ATYCLB came out. and it was so bland and boring, completely different from AB, Passengers Zooropa and Pop which were all really exciting and cool.

In 2016, Batman will make you his bitch.. [guitar chord]

Good golly, miss Molly! Yeah, I remember this movie and Williams was aces in it.

Alchemy wasn't "nonsense" at the time, it was unproven of course but it had a long tradition of work as proto-chemistry and proto-science. Newton explored it with the same open mind he explored things that were much less understood in his time and had much less of a body of work attached, such as gravity and planetary

2 Dong 2 Justice

Yeah, that was the best part.. <gurgles contentedly="">

It's in my brain.

Yeah, not a big fan of the box cover to be honest. In both the series and the movie her life mattered much more than her death.

Fantastic movie. It's one of the most unnerving things I've seen, specially that ending..

Or the Hornses recreating the civil war and having otter problems. Anything where Lynch was not present in that season is junk. Then again, he was making Wild at Heart so I don't really hold it against him.

-makes gurgly sounds at Bobby- This is awesome!

Please don't..

"Good.. bye"

The book was pretty good for being a sequel. The movie… not so much.

No one mentioned the dogs! I'm OUTTA HERE!

She didn't want to think about his Drowned God.