
Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.

Its all a scam. They are either in on the initial scam and expect to flip the thing to idiots looking to buy anything crypto related. Investors currently drop a ton of cash on anything even cursory blockchain related so there is a good chance this pump and dump is going to make them plenty of cash. Honestly

He doesn’t. The guy who sold him the box posted he gave Logan his money back.

Grumpy Cat: Still a better Internet personality than _____ Paul.*

If it’s ripping off a regular amount of money, it’s shitty. If it’s ripping off 3.5 million, there’s no such thing as a person who spent that kind of money on Pokemon cards who doesn’t deserve to be ripped off.

Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.

Free to play is funny marketing language for Part time job. 

You don’t have to “find” a reason to be negative about Amazon. They give them out more than free shipping.

Imagine having such a kotaku hate boner that you have to find a way to contort it in such a way that Amazon uses your own dick to fuck you from behind.

But won't someone think about the corporations?!?!

Feels exactly like the kind of response you get from every conservative outlet there is. Like it was written by the comm shops at Fox News or the Trump admin. No wonder Bobby Kotick was hiring so many Bush and Trump-era conservatives. They’re going to refuse any responsibility and blame the victims for their own

That’s corporate-speak for “We are VERY UPSET that our corporate lobbyists were unable to make this go away by threatening to withhold corporate PAC money”

They’re more than free to leave the state and head to Bermuda or Barbados to be with the shell companies they set up to avoid taxes.

That doesn’t make sense. Cheating moots skill, it does so because it gives you an unfair edge over players of the same skill level. Being good doesnt help you overcome the cheater’s mechanical advantages and thus ruins competition.

Months upon months of COProphagia in the mainstream press and wider culture will tend to result in this sort of crap.

The most damning statistic (from USA Today via 538):

Taxing the hell out of them forces them to reinvest in their employees. If they don’t want to give their money to big guv’ment then they can give it to the people who helped them earn it.