
This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered

The same people that argue being tolerant means you have to tolerate their intolerance. Classy bunch.

Ah yes, conservatives. The folks who champion personal responsibility until that responsibility is “don’t be a prick.” Then it’s everyone else’s fault for being annoyed or upset at their behavior.

“... a woman won a lawsuit after she sued for being “repeatedly raped by a prison guard.

People voted for George W Bush because he seemed like a guy you could have a beer with.


And now for all the regressive man children to puff their chests in comments...

MKE guy here to say I KNEW he'd pull some shit like this. Newsflash to all the dumb fucks who wanted Trump to come to Kenosha: he doesn't give two shits about any of you. He's here for the votes because he knows his grip on Wisconsin is tenuous and he knows that losing Wisconsin could be catastrophic for his campaign.

My Mexican neighbor, with his mama still in Mexico, has a Trump sign in his yard.

I swear I am not posting this history lesson to draw any conclusions but I felt like discussing it.   In the run up to the election of 1932 Nazi Brownshirts would go into Communist and left leaning neighborhoods and start fights.  Assaulting and provoking the members who lived there.  They would then give interviews

Dear People of Color,

fascists will work overtime to find a new justification.

“moment you graduate”

As a result of all this, according to Vice, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez now plans to file a measure that would entirely prevent the military from spending money to recruit through services like Twitch. Specifically, it would forbid the military from using funds to “maintain a presence on

Other than, you know, the obvious things like lynch mobs, the KKK, but you’re right, no real negative implications tied to that image.

For not being racist, ICE sure isn’t illegally holding very many fully legal citizens who are white.

They should have renamed it: War Criminal

If you’re about to say “But it just means OK you snowflakes!” that was exactly the point. The whole point of gestures like this is so that racist assholes can wink at each other then pretend they were just saying OK when they get called out. 

Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.