But our military seems to think there is no borders.
But our military seems to think there is no borders.
Superior race they claim.
Keemstar will just pocket the money
We all know where to get the milkshakes from.
So the attack on trans people and the encouragement by trump supporters. That has been on the rise since 2016. Even trump encourages this. I hate nazis like you that say shit is just an opinion when those opinions leads to someones death. You can’t be a bully and pull the victim card when someone defends themselves.
I can no longer look at my Tapatio the same again. :[
I bet you support these camps. Explain why you don't feel comfortable about seeing it. I also bet you didn't even read the article either.
Fucking Jesus starting shit and not stopping it.
holy crap, I re watch it. All her attempts she jump forward to block before the kick.
I bet he's going to push some pizza gate crap
Damn more shit like this makes me lean in more with the commies, got to eat the rich.
I think you’re a bigger dick if you hold back. It would as golden globetrotters level of dickness in a real game.
Yup had that convo with someone I play games with. About LGBT+ hate crimes. He refused saying there is no such data on it. and that the leftist trying to silence speech. So I link him few articles on it and ACLU one. He just stop talking and change the subject.
Even took her kid wtf
Bum-garner cries when anyone gets hit off him.
Some hot takes
Elon Musk is a trust fund fail son. Always trying to re-brand something like he invented something new. Like every other rich fail sons out there.
Covfefe achomlishments
I watch Hasan Piker on twitch. He doesn’t like the boomer generation. All because the boomers don’t want to progress. They used the safety net that the silent generation left, just for them to remove it for other generation.