
Is it wrong of me to want to throw milkshakes at these pro lifers?

Remember the free market gives competition and lower prices.

crazy part I use to work in a place where we got book donations. In the pile of books in one donation. There where stress test manuals from the 70s on stress testing metal fatigue. There was one that had different stats forgot what it was. There was a submarine section missing from that binder. My boss told me to

I bet they will blame Hillary Clinton for this scam.

talk about the dow. it took a hit today.

Get less time in prison for killing someone.

Jordan Peterson sounds like kermit

I thought I was the only Warren supporter here :)

got a centrist here

Wait a minute those are not 420 goggles.

Trump is whistle blowing. He is telling his supporters he has their back if they do shit like this. Closer we get to the election more violence he will try to promote.

Background checks do reduce gun violence.

He put some money in. A lot of those are charity fund raisers. Not to mention rich people tend to abuse socialism more than any other class.

Male rights activism thats why

more like a Florida man? Nagoya man? 

Markets max their profits, no way in hell lowering prices will max their profits.

I bet they can see Russia from there.

He use to fellow bunch of alt right people on twitter. When someone called him out on that he removed everyone he fellow except a few . He also buddy buddy with Ben Shapiro. 

He is an alt righter or at least alt lite. Some type of racist dick.

I wouldn’t doubt it. Usual if it’s a middle eastern person they leak that out instantly.