
Black people. SMH

Beautifully said. White feminists cause far more harm to the black community than good.

Black men rape the most women also. It’s a shame. They are very violent.

Why are black people so violent?

I love posters like you. Keep it up.

You sound like an awful person.

“Oh my God, it’s fiction, people. Fiction.”

You are getting owned.

You really suck at this.

Without identity politics, the left doesn’t exist.

You tried way too hard on that.

I’m sure all those people avoid all those things on your list. You are dumb. My mind is not blown.


Looks like you were wrong again, you stupid bitch. Napolitano was proven right. You just Anna Merlaned this story.

Finance bros are almost always democrats. They love regulations that keep them rich.

Everyone in this article sounds better than you. Too funny.

It doesn’t say much about you since you married the guy.

This comment is transphobic.

“yes, both lines of thought are shallow and gross but at least wealth, in some cases, is attached to qualities like hard work, ambition, intelligence, etc and has an actual impact on life (maybe some women are tired of always having to pay for everything for both people?).”

Cool story, bro!