Jake E. Pooh

I’m not a journalism expert, but I have a hard time faulting the ladies at Jezebel. This was a big story. I mean we’re talking about serial sexual harassment from a famous man who makes a living talking about his personal life on stage. Who knows how many women he’s treated like this over the years. Shit’s way

Hold up, I’m no genius, but it looks like your whole rant was about an overall increase over the past six years of less than one flag thrown per team per game, right?

None of this shit would happen if dudes didn’t try to have sex with people they aren’t married to. It ALL stems from us men seeking sex outside of marriage.

Yeah! America sucks! See, I’m smart too!

I remember a few years ago hearing her do commenting on a game for the first time. For just a minute I was startled to hear a female voice, but honestly it didn’t take long for me to prefer her to others. She is someone who has earned her place simply by virtue of being exceptionally good at what she does. She’s no

I hear you, but now I’m curious, are you honestly saying there was no implied comparison in the original comment?

I was going to argue, but if you honestly believe that capitalist societies are more corrupt than communist or socialist societies then your capacity for willful delusion is mighty indeed and I bow before you. Carry on, sir.

My brother, there was a well documented history of bone-deep, pervasive, violent, ingrained anti-semitism throughout Europe, but especially the regions inhabited by German speakers, going back 1200 YEARS before Hitler was even born. Anybody telling you the German people as a whole weren’t in on the holocaust is a

I’m new here so forgive me for not fitting in, but why does a CVT symbolize all that is without a soul? I think the technology is interesting. Shouldn’t a bunch of gear-heads understand that motors do better at as close to constant rpm as possible? What am I missing?

I’m no physicist, but I seem to remember reading that at the massive scales of large power plants, coal fired power generation is actually more efficient than individual ICEs. So, burning dirty coal in a centralised, massive, turbine then distributing the energy in the form of electricity is actually less polluting

Surge pricing is just another way to describe letting price move according to supply and demand. When resources (rides) are scarce the price goes up accordingly. It’s econ 101 and the basic foundation for every remotely successful modern society. Being able to adjust prices according to demand is the only efficient

Long live science for science’s sake! I love that there are people out there just solving puzzles and learning shit.

Hehehe, I’d love to keep arguing with you, but I can’t lie, I am a big fatass. Still, I don’t think drive-through banking is the reason. At least not in my case. ;-)

Yup, no drive-throughs because you all are soooo smart and health conscious. It has nothing to do with prohibitive land costs, narrow streets, the prevalence of buildings dating from before the invention of the car, and certainly not from the fact that your “middle class” lives in shitty little hovel apartments and

That’s what I was thinking. Then take it to a shed lined with more copper mesh and voila? Sigh...I don’t really know how any of that works. *hangs head

Seems like it might be a class thing, or maybe it’s regional?  I work in insurance and the idea of women getting hugged while dudes are shaking hands just sounds weird. It wouldn’t ever occur to me to do it.  While it’s true that I personally can’t imagine inflicting a hug on a female employee or colleague, or

I know nothing about MMA, or physiology, or anything really, but I always thought cauliflower ear was from things like headlocks and similar wrestling contact, not necessarily from impacts that could cause brain trauma.

A-fucking-men! When you remove the possibility of natural consequences assholes win. Just fool the refs/teachers/cops and you can be as big a dick as you want.

Sorry, kids, hemp is orders of magnitude less efficient as a source of paper fiber. It isn’t close. It didn’t beat cotton for textiles either.

I freaking love immigrants. We need more of them, not less.