Boring White Female

Why isn’t that built into the system though. If literally everywhere requires a certain period of time, they could just print both dates in the passport, or make the expiration date the time of arrival, not departure. It’s so contrary to how every other expiration date works.

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.

Let’s just mind our own business maybe

Mueller should change his name to Robert Transgender Fetus Climate Change and really put Trump in a Catch-22.

I’m not sure what the “best” way of getting rid of him is, but at this point I’d be satisfied if Big Bird sat on him and suffocated him to death. A humiliating end for a humiliating chapter of our presidential history.

I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this

It’s miles better than Girls which was nominated twice and won once.

They do exist, after all:

Everyone? Great, show “them.” And all those white women who voted for Trump will suddenly see the light and not do so a second time, and all those women voting and campaigning for Moore will be won over by our righteous seizure of the “moral high-ground.” Fantasy. I mean, whether he resigns or not, it’s not likely

I’m loyal to a fault when it comes to those damn housewives and will continue watching. Plus, I’m lazy as shit.

I always hide my cocaine when Jax comes on the television. Just in case.

This report really makes the attitude of the anchors on the Today show seem really off. If this was such an ‘open secret’- which I totally believe it was, since that seems par for the course for these kind of guys - then NONE of them should have been as surprised or devastated as they appeared this morning. What a

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John Oliver’s segment on Charlie Rose’s on-set creepiness just took on a whole new meaning...

FUCK no I will not do my adult kid’s laundry. I will not do my kid-kid’s laundry as soon as they are able to do it themselves.

Also, a private jet must be a bitch to gift wrap. Where do you find a big enough bow?

The fact that the former presidents are either inadvertently or purposely mean girling 45 makes me smile for a moment. If I had more skill I would edit the “you can’t sit with us” to have the presidents’ faces.

men should moisturize imo!!

It’s such a frustrating accusation, which all survivors of sexual assault face, that they are coming forward “for the money.” First of all, you don’t have to be a victim yourself to observe how terribly victims are treated when they go publicly. Secondly, even if they were coming forward “for the money,” so what? That