Boring White Female

This is still the best headline\video ever featured on The Onion.

He’s in his 70's and not very healthy looking. She’s waiting for him to die.

Just let the idiot savant heave his precious ball and eat his all-crystal diet and sleep in his cryo-pajamas at the bottom of a silent, subterranean lake in peace.

Are you a Ravens fan? You sound like a Ravens fan.

No effect? The NFL proved in FEDERAL COURT they can make up facts and screw their employees with no oversight.

Can you show documentation of Belichick being a “major trump donor” or is that just an assumption based on the letter of support he wrote?

Don’t politic this, I’m a Pats fan, grew up in Boston and have been in the military for 20+ years. I’m appropriately ashamed of the clueless support the leadership of the Patriots have thrown at this imbecile of a President but that has nothing to do with my support of the team.

I think we’re gonna have to disagree about how influential he really is outside of football. It also probably bears mentioning that Massachusetts overwhelmingly voted for Hilary in the election and is one of the most liberal states in the country, I highly doubt he changed things in any way with that letter.

I loathe Trump with the fire of a thousand burning suns, and it sickens me he’s in a position of power, but the day I give a shit what the pro athletes of my teams think in terms of politics is the day I stop watching sports. These guys ain’t smart or worldly, that’s not why I watch them.

Drunk Bob Kraft was fun though.

My argument has always been that pro-life is your choice. The choice of others is none of your damn business. If you want the right to choose life, you have to be prepared to let others make their own choice.

It’s like being furious about amputations. It’s an unfortunate medical procedure that is sometimes necessary, but no one gets riled up about Hippocratic oathes to “do no harm” when a surgeon is holding a scalpel (or even a bone saw).

“I knew that with Hillary, there would definitely be no hope for the unborn,” she explained. “But with him, I was very hopeful.” I’m so sick of these idiots.

Actually, Sheila, the vast majority of fetuses are aborted before there is any observable sex.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

We really need to offer workers better pawternity leave.

Pats fan as well, I just tell myself I don’t care about them as people, just as football players/coaches/owners. Makes it easier. I don’t care to hear their opinions on anything other than football.

Throw a punch to two?