The alleged gunman was quoted as saying “I’ve made a huge tiny mistake.”
The alleged gunman was quoted as saying “I’ve made a huge tiny mistake.”
If only they could have called Reno 911!
honestly, trump is a cuck for having security in the first place. take your threats like a man, you coward.
You sound racist.
I won’t speak to it being a racial thing, but Obama is very good at going from professional to “regular guy” back to professional.
Usually wild accusations specifically about black culture start with “I’m not racist, but...”
Is that your primary takeaway from that video?
“Obama’s speech choices are getting more Malcolm X than MLK... or maybe they always have been on the sly, and I didn’t notice?”
Conservatism: Pushing back against objective reality since St Ronald of Reagan descended from capitalist heaven in the year of our lord, nineteen hundred and eighty.
As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.
What is crazy to me is the number of conservatives lashing out on twitter about how much of a class act Melania is and how Michelle Obama has no class. I seriously can’t even process how anyone can see FLOTUS as not being a class act, regardless of politics.
I just...I don’t know. Does she simply not understand the english language? Is that it? Does she just not comprehend what she’s saying? Or is she so tired that the words aren’t even registering in her brain, she’s simply reading shit aloud and not paying attention? I also heard her say today that over the years Donald…
Wow! Also, most states don’t allow recording or photographing voters. It’s illegal. I made sure to look up my state’s laws and I printed them to carry them with me when I vote. I wish someone would try me.
On the bright side, they missed out on this election too
Best Kinja in 108 years.
I’m not even remotely a Cubs fan and my heart was in my throat for like the entire game after Chapman blew it. Can only imagine the number of cardiac incidents for Northsiders today.
Why am I tearing up? I don’t even like baseball?! Good God this game man, this fucking game.. Congrats Chicago
LMAO youre such an asshole I love it