Boring White Female

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

If you are looking for clothes that can take you from your workout into the rest of your day, you are either doing your workout or the rest of your day wrong.

It’s called fashion,

High five, fellow Angeleno!!! All those “if only males voted” and “if only white people voted” maps that STILL show California as true-blue makes be feel quite a bit better about my insane mortgage.

You’re making me so homesick.

I hate that I’m actually getting scared for my safety. I have the only Clinton sign in my yard among a street of Trump signs.

If she names who it likely is (Harvey Weinstein) he will sue her into bankruptcy and she will never work in Hollywood again. Without concrete evidence against him people will just claim she’s lying & she will also be broke and jobless. I don’t blame her for not naming names.

To each his/her own, but... no.

Bingo. This shit just ain’t workable anymore. It’s a fundamentally broken, bloated mess. Let’s get on with the split, let New England become it’s own thing with NY/NJ being the welcomed-if-somewhat-shunned tenants, let the Sun Belt create a monolith of economic failure and societal atrophy, let Arizona be their own

I’m pretty sure if you told the founding fathers that one government would attempt to represent the will of 300M people they would have laughed in your face. I’m not sure that democracy works in those numbers, and I’d rather the coasts and Great Lakes split from the south and midwest. Yes we have states that have

Yes but reading it makes me feel good because I know that, while I’m crazy, deluded and dumb in my own way, I’ll never be THAT crazy, deluded and dumb. Republican thinking is next level stupid.

This presupposes that I give a fuck about Texas or anything south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

I saw this on the interwebs somewhere - not sure who it’s attributed to - but god damn it is spot on and worth a re-post elsewhere.

So at what point can we start seriously talking about how we really shouldn’t be a single country?

Even if they don’t, John McCain can still go fuck himself.

Well, according to 538, the Dems have a 72% chance to win the Senate so John McCain can go fuck himself.

Oh quit. This is nothing but a bunch of staffers speculating on what they could change with an unfriendly Congress. Aren’t journalists supposed to have some kind of understanding of context? Another boring boring email of nothing.

I can’t hate the Patriots. The players go out there and put in work. Look at what they did in the second half after an incredibly slow start for Brady’s home return.

Ooooh I still know a little Spanish! That translates exactly to: “when you know that you are the best team in the AFC and also the NFL”