Boring White Female

Because what else would Peter Murphy, Siouxsie Sioux, and Robert Smith do when touring in Italy?


I hope the last two words of Obama’s presidency are “Eat me.”

I’d pay $100 just to see Obama, for once, answer a question about one of these inane ‘controversies’ with the “Jesus, who the fuck CARES?” that it deserves.

She has the right to wave the rainbow flag because public opinion grew less homophobic, and because of SCOTUS and changes in the law at the city & state level, not because of soldiers.

The troops do not own the anthem.

I’m pretty sure the people who died for our freedoms didn’t do it so that this country would become a place where you have to show dogmatic loyalty to symbols as if we lived in a dictatorship, saluting “Dear Leader” and bowing down lest we be marked a traitor. Let’s save that forced patriotic bullshit for North Korea.

Awwww, you're so full of shit.

We also have the freedom to kneel if we want to when we hear the anthem. Or turn our backs. Or dance a jig. Those people died for her freedom to do that too.

Way to skip the first three paragraphs, champ.

Fortunately its a benign brain tumor, likely a meningioma and can be cured with a single operation. Interestingly, these tumors are more common in women and likely became symptomatic now because she was pregnant. Meningiomas often have estrogen and progesterone receptors and can grow during pregnancy. Best of luck to

We’ve been covering Trump and the election on The Concourse since last autumn.

Want to bring that mentality to men accused of rape? Didn’t think so.

She’s been accused, but that doesn’t mean the accusations are true. I personally don’t believe she’s stolen jokes, and I do think she’s funny.

Tell us: how did it feel to get tossed out of the show last night?

oh my god, get over yourself

Seriously, don’t feel so bad. Anyone with half a brain could tell you just got trolled by someone. They intentionally spun your words to make you look bad, the continued comments from them was to meant to get people riled up and turn on you. This person (who many people know the identity of) gets kicks out of this,

Yeah I apologized over and over and tried to be polite and you still have to be an asshole. Thank you and don’t have a nice night then. I’m surprised, instead of posting on here, you aren’t taking care of your kids.

Really sorry you got your head ripped off. You shouldn’t have to apologize for commenting from your perspective as a parent, but... That’s Jezebel for you.

I can understand that.