Boring White Female

Doesn't make it ok

Those atrocious uniforms should be the ones out for the season.

Well not completely motionless, he did wave to the crowd getting rolled off the field. Thankfully just a concussion 😥


I disagree, the faux NFL network Twitter account is everything.

No it wasn't.

How about Trying NOT to hurt someone by not driving drunk

Whenever one of my buddies says they don't wanna get a dui blah blah so much money, suspended license, etc, my first reaction is DUDE, what if you fucking hurt someone else? That's enough not to drive drunk. I can't understand not thinking you're pretty much a loaded gun driving drunk.

Oh I agree, it’s a slippery slope for sure. I do like your idea of getting mandotory trainers out there tho- that shouldn't even be questioned.

So true. If a team comes here to LA it just means I can’t wait for the day when the pats come to play them and I get to actually go to a game I care about. Then piss off locals of course

not everyone wants to live their life in an eggshell tho

Not sure? But I agree, I’m dying the third one black then going out and rip it up on the town. 💃🏼

I'd wear the shit out of the dress on the right tho, so dope

Wait, so what happened??

The hell was rothlesberger doing in the stands?

Nope. Because they are still a million times better than the Giants. Deal with it.

Not if you don't have good taste

Peaky blinders