I volunteer to follow him around for a week and find out, dude is just pure awesome!
I volunteer to follow him around for a week and find out, dude is just pure awesome!
and the sleeves!
uuuuugggghhhhhh I know!!! Fuck us for liking something. For anything at all!!
omg right?! How dare fans stick up for their favorite team. Those ASSHOLES!
one might say this whole "controversy " is retarded. Wicked retahded even.
boooooooooring. Find some new material
because there were actually a total of 24 footballs, they said they took out the under inflated ones during half time to check them and then were replaced with regulation balls for the seconds half. I get that you hate the pats but Jesus fucking Christ calm the fuck down. It's not like they we're tasing the colts…
I give this comment 11 out of 12 deflated balls.
looks like it maybe the air spray type foundation. My friend uses that and has the same glow and looks photoshopped in real life, so gorgeous.
and sometimes it's just a sniff and a lick of the teeth. Oh, and a nod. Oh Boston I miss you
more like "khed"
what kind of monster are you?!
this is def the Benghazi of football right now
fair enough
serious question, if she's so healthy then why does she weigh so much for her height? I know why I weighed so much years ago, because I didn't take care of myself and was def not healthy. Now I am and now I'm thin and in shape. Being healthy does not result in obesity.
but still doesn't look nearly as bad as the lip liner on Kate gossling. Good god that's awful
oh for fucks sake, relax