Borgia MK Ultra

Surprised by the number of people who don’t think the upgrade is real. There *IS* a difference between leaks that journalists uncover from their sources, connections, and validation that they do, and the “””leaks””” the average joe reads on reddit from FishTickler69's uncle who totally works at Nintendo. People’s

Hard to say. I do trust Bloomberg as reputable. But on the other side, if the point of a hardware refresh is to continue momentum, well, the Switch doesn’t really need it yet? 30+ months of being the top selling console, coming off their strongest year yet? It could wait a year and be fine I would imagine.

it would be cool if a video game youtube essayist tried a different style of delivery than just “zero-punctuation-lite”. maybe some people might like to try something other than speaking 800 words a minute in a total monotone while dropping tortured, meaningless metaphors every sentence.

I typed it out, liked it a LOT, and then deleted it because I thought people would assume it’s a typo : (

The latest victims of these murderous antics are many of the Need For Speeds released between 2006 and 2011.

This notion that you can take highly political situations and just opt out of making a political statement means you’re not being political is eyerolling. It doesn’t have to be a grand political statement. No one is arguing they should be putting out some sort of philosophical treatise or anything. But when you make a

Seriously. Can’t a company make a game about overthrowing a fascist government in Not Cuba without people asking if there are any statements about the real world. Not Cuba isn’t even a real place. DUH!


Are you surprised though, Zack? They can’t even avoid [INSERT SCANDAL], their leadership clearly has no [INSERT STANDARDS].

Just call something a “Hamas base” and you too can get away with war crimes.

soulless, rotting abomination

Any entity that is this reliant on playing ball with advertisers with huge potential budgets invariably gets here, unfortunately. 

It was bought by Amazon in 2014. It’s been a soulless corporate abomination for the last seven years...

We are probably across the Rubicon on that one already

Regardless of ones thoughts on twitch and its ‘thots’, this is a chilling move that is another step into turning twitch into a soulless, rotting abomination that is a shadow of its former self like Youtube today.

Now playing

Vaush has been running a 24 hour charity stream. With seven hours left, he has raised nearly $281,000 for PCRF.

“There was a decent amount of trolls popping [up] saying that I supported Hamas,” The Serfs told Kotaku in a DM. “I made a clear point of repeatedly (almost every hour on the hour) condemning vocally the actions of Hamas”

‘weaksauce’? You sound like mr. pence..

FYI, the Four Job Fiesta will be supporting the PCRF this year.