
I wish the t-rex headmaster gimmick was included too but I think the t-rex head being removable was probably something they considered but scrapped for the whole eating and swallowing titan masters thing. I also wish it was still motorized but I can see why that was nixed for transformation reasons.

Haven’t seen that, I just figured right in the middle of the titans they have already.

The headmaster gimmick is specifically for the titans return sub-line, that’s where the purple chest/car thing comes into play, but the overall theme of the more recent generations line is a more classic design and transformation for characters.

Planet X and mastermind creations make some amazing stuff but Christ is it expensive.

I figure about 20" give or take maybe an inch. The combiner wars Devastator was 18" so he’s obviously larger, Fort Max and Metroplex are 22" at the top of the head and I’m betting he’s shorter than that.

Well there goes $150, Fort Max needs something to fight.

Fun fact, haven’t seen any of these movies not high. I refuse to give these popcorn affairs the dignity of a sober viewing.

I kind of think it’s so bad it’s good. I’m not gonna even try to defend any of the movies nonsense as “an art film” like I’ve seen others do but I can honestly say I had a good time watching this movie and everything did have a painterly look to it. I felt the same about SS and MoS, these aren’t good movies, they’re

Depends on what kind of parties.

Hey, Superman was a better Anikan than Anikan.

Definitely for the best, BobbySerious was a sanctimonious asshole.

BobbySerious is gone? Please tell me this is true, I just came back around New year’s with a fresh burner just in case I ran into that douche.

A law is a law, if deleting this tweet violated said law then his feet should be held to the fire. It’s also irresponsible for him to delete the evidence of his lack of intelligence, the American people deserve to know the Hell they’re in for.

To be fair I’m sure Cheeto Benito had no idea tomorrow is MLK day, what the civil rights movement was, where John Lewis’ district is, what the bill of rights is, what politics are, etc.

Saying Bernie Sanders failed to secure the nomination is only a half truth at best, the Dems flat out refused to nominate him. The republicans had no qualms with nominating an interloper seeing as how, although far less qualified than his republican competition in every conceivable way, he was magnetic and dynamic

I wouldn’t be so sure about that, this is Russia we’re talking about.

Read the article.The ban wouldn’t go into effect until 2033 when those 3 year olds are 18, legal smoking age in Russia.

Never happen, he words things correctly enough for it to clear the hate speech, harassment line.

Wonder woman absolutely would do this but only in a fight against a God, New God, kryptonian, Atlantean and maybe mongul. She’s extremely strong but let’s not forget that in a stand up fight DC has no shortage of stronger alien and magic characters.

She’s not relatively powerful, she can shapeshift and is a trained fighter but she doesn’t have enhanced strength. It seems that way because Brian Singer sucks and has no idea what the x men are.