
Elon == bad

Now why do you think that might be? One is a government agency accountable to Congress and the american tax payer while the other is a private company. 

Cool, I can pay $5 a month to play an endless stream of infinite runners. No thanks


Combine this behavior with their staunch resistance to right-to-repair and one of the primary tenants of Apple’s business models becomes very clear.

So could i09 limit their Birds of Prey posts to maybe like 1 per day? The coverage for Suicide Squad was just over the top. It’s like you guys have become a PR firm for Warner Bros.

Cool post. So does Ring send you the money directly, or do you do their PR work pro bono?

“I’m sorry, I can’t find 911 in your contact list”

Dude, this is pretty pathetic. Maybe you should spend your time focusing on something else.

Dude, really?

MP3 players existed before the iPod. None of them were worth owning. Doing something right does count for something.

Who knew that inhaling smoke directly into your lungs could be dangerous?  

That’s exactly what the Instagram chief would want you to believe! /s

Two words: Click Bait

It’s funny that you used the word “choice”. Thats exactly what Apple is trying to eliminate. And that’s called a monopoly. But thanks anyway for spreading FUD on Apple’s behalf.

There are plenty of places where property crime is still a serious issue and having a visible exterior security camera works as some level of deterrence. 

Battery fires happen because of defects in the battery that are hard to detect at the point of manufacture. They don’t happen because of faulty installation.

Their environmental policies directly affect the air you breath and the water you drink, but in the court’s view, you probably don’t have standing to sue.

*News flash*  Food is grown in Virginia and Maryland too.

Why isn’t this an example of a religion trying to impose itself onto others?