
The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.

Unfortunately, this is karmic payback for U2 automatically adding Songs Of Innocence to iTunes libraries around the world.

And fuck Martin O’Neil for *again*calling in a not-entirely-fit James McCarthy who promptly reaggravated a muscle injury *again*. Especially with Schneiderlin out injured. Motherfucker

Everton fan here. Fuck the international break.....again

Atletico Real San Diego FC United.

Shouldn’t it technically have been Footy McFoot Face?

You’re lying naked on the floor?

The battleground of England 

Stupid, sexy Harbaugh.

Stupid sexy Flanders.

Just had a nice chat w/ Jim Harbaugh about his khaki game. He upgraded to @lululemon pants and says, “I’ll never wear anything else.” Smart.

Nothing has ever hurt Maradona’s feelings more than seeing this.

Counterpoint: Anyone with a brain leaves Boston eventually.

I was always told not to feed dogs people food.

I’ve been through the worst.

Small world- I actually read both of these books as part of a theology program I took part in after I got my bachelor’s degree. As much as I find this guy’s politics distasteful, these books are actually incredibly compelling. I had never considered myself a spiritual man at all, but the program took place right after

God’s Debris is the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by best-selling author Scott Adams

Warning, such a diet is known to cause severe balance and pain response issues, you will tip over at the slightest brush from another person and writhe in pain on the ground for an inordinate amount of time until someone blows a whistle for you.

Kevin: Dang, I’d have won if the solution was Two Gentlemen in Veronica.