Thanks for the tip, that company looks awesome. Lifetime warranty and the same price as smartwool, color me interested.
Thanks for the tip, that company looks awesome. Lifetime warranty and the same price as smartwool, color me…
Thanks for the tip, that company looks awesome. Lifetime warranty and the same price as smartwool, color me interested.
Thanks for the tip, that company looks awesome. Lifetime warranty and the same price as smartwool, color me…
Glad to see Lukaku is doing something worth while with his time instead of training with his new coach...
Best execs in baseball.
I still don't know who won best bear!!! Is there going to be a list of who won Deadspin awards?
Shemp is hemp spelled backwards
The Ronaldos are renowned for their humility and perspective.
“...endearing though unlovable champions: more obsessed with clogging their opponents’ attacks than with doing much on offense on their own.”
Leave it up to the USOC (and the IOC) to take any semblance of fun or external reward from athletes.
People are dumb.
I disagree. I waited tables for several years at an upscale joint and our practice was to give 2-3 recs and make sure there was a big enough price difference between them. It’s not unusual for customers to tip less than 20% on expensive bottles of wine so there shouldn't be a desire to pressure a customer into…
I agree. It’s fine we are not there yet but we won’t get there if we keep giving the most valuable experience to players we know don’t make the team better. Players like Pulisic and Nagbe are our future and they should be receiving these minutes because we know there is very little chance of us winning and we will…
Roll Damn Tide
It's kind of funny that the video sent out by The Undefeated features two white guys, right?
College majors are not bullshit. If you have a desire to work in a particular field and put forth the effort to follow through you will find many faculty members that wish to assist you.
I grew up playing Spades and until today had no idea it was a “black” game. Huh, the more you know I guess.
If Iceland edges Portugal out, we will know there is a god.
“...that can only be compared to the Rape of Nanking with more Zubaz.”
I think Bill Simmons is a great evaluator of talent. I was a big Grantland fan and have been enjoying the Ringer thus far but that is certainly not because of his writing.