
This witch hunt you guys are doing is getting rather old. Did this dude piss in your Cheerios prior to the election? This blog is becoming an endless barrage of “Trump did” instead of a tech blog. As person who firmly lodged in the “I don’t care about politics” category, I’d officially like to request a political news

Well, I think I've hit the point where I'm thinking all of this stuff is getting to be a bit too much for me. I don't need my phone to be integrated in to every factor of my life. Maybe being on call 24/7 for the last 18 years has ruined me because maps, e-mail, and Skype for business are the only thing I want from a

Why should he care about me? He has a country to run........ I’m just sayin

Eh, wouldn’t be the first time someone has tried.

PI isn’t my country. I’m American, from Los Angeles; Watts to be exact. I happen make my living in the 3rd world and warzones. I also know enough about general human decency to realize that it changes with regions and cultures. Applying your blanket western model of faith in humanity and human rights to other cultures

Have you, the author, ever actually lived or worked the Philippines? I’m not talking about taking a trip to Cebu or having a job that keeps you protected by with the safety net wealth (about a year $20,000), but actually living with the everyday people of the country. If you did, you would know you would understand

I truly hope he has a meeting with business end of a bat. Fuck that dude....

Eh, I’m good with Trump staying in power. He’s hasn’t done anything horrific yet.

What’s wrong with him having an opinion? Varity and conflict are the spices of life, without them you’re left with some shit show Andy Griffith like existence. We should cheer on JonTron just to see how far off the deep end the bubble of internet frame with take him. We could have something that rivals Jason Russell’s

Who cares? Broadband internet isn’t required for one to sustain themselves. You can live perfectly fine without internet access. It’s almost as if newspapers, free TV, libraries, box stores, and supermarkets still exist.

Don’t worry, the all of America will have to pay soon enough. V.A.T. targets the pockets of irresponsible with a vengeance and will hurt them far more than the $470 a month the ACA cost this single 35 year old man. Nothing is free, a lot of young people haven’t seem to figure that one out yet.

Can we get back the this just being a tech blog? We’ve had enough political BS rammed down our throats for the last year and a half too last four life times. It’s s not I don’t agree that there are some issues with the current administration, it’s more that I don’t care; I’d rather read about tech (e.g. the reason I’m

I won’t be attending one of these amazingly childish rallies. Act like an adult and accept that we are a democracy; your party of choice lost, get over it. It’s not the not the end of the world. While I can’t say I bothered to cast a vote (because apathy), I can say that I’m willing to give the winner a chance.

Jesus fucking Christ, what happened to this being a tech blog? Can we go one week without hearing about politics and focus just on tech? I understand you the young folk are angry about Trump being in office, but it’s not the end of the world buttercups. He’ll be gone in 4-8 years. It won’t be any better or worse than

Why is this in my Jalopnik feed? While I sense this article was written in jest, it still leaves me with an overwhelming urge to face palm. As a black man, all I can say is “Do better”. Focusing on politics with sensationalist titles instead the core issues the black community faces erodes the credibility of the

Why are you buggin? Is she not allowed to have a difference of opinion? Misguided or not, shes entitled to her own believes and opinions. Your cynicism and intolerance makes you no better than those you criticize.

Jordan 9's, interesting shoe choice for a protest. Good colorway, but I think some Sock Darts would have been a better choice. Anyway, Best Drivers Car 2016 videos are starting to pop up and the GT-350r is looking like it's about to win this bitch. That thing is a monster for the MSRP. The M4 GTS seems to be the