
“It is a feel good story of GIFs coming together to savage SAUVAGE a woman beater.”

Why can’t perfume commercials ever be normal?

It’s the “...some semblance of a soul left...” part that really highlights the emo, high school vibe he’s putting off.

“Listen, my skull rings and scarves are like my fucking children, man. Yes, I need them all and no, I will not sell them.”

Would you rather bang beiber or be triple teamed by hanson?

Here’s a slightly different quote from a police spokesperson:

That’s pretty boilerplate language for an investigation that just started. It doesn’t mean they won’t look for indications of bias, just that they haven’t seen any yet. It’s not meant as a dismissal of the idea, in other words, just a simple fact about what’s been discovered so far. It’s common for crimes that

It’s the end of the day but FINALLY an article that suits whatever the mission statement you all released for what Jezebel would be today. This is quality stuff

style and graciousness

I’m not even Christian, and I wonder whether some of these pastors have ever read the Sermon on the Mount.