
I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t start a twitter fight with her or any of the others that have spoken out yet. Betting that more has to do with them not having been covered or commentated on that much on fox news then any sort of impulse control on his part.

This a 1000% percent.

Given the changes that happened to Supergirl when it shifted from CBS to CW I’m not surprised that the people in charge of the show were either a serial sexual harasser or people who knew about said sexual harassment and did nothing about it.

Your absolutely right I won’t be in a situation where a man could accuse me of inappropriate behavior, because I don’t go around sexually harassing my co-workers.

I was in a sorority in college and I have to say in my experience (which is limited and probably bias here) sororities and fraternities are often times just as much a reflection of the environment they’re in as they are of any of the inherent problems of the greek system. There’s only so much they’re behavior can

When I got married I didn’t even want to have a wedding registry.

As someone who watches her show pretty regularly I would find it to be more of a ratings grab is she had gone to the tax returns right away, because it would have been a deviation from how she normally does things. The longer, background detail laden opening blocks are sort of what she’s known for.

In Colorado there’s no state ban on vaping, but it is outlawed in some cities and counties. But from what I’ve seen even in places where vaping in general isn’t forbidden people seem to not vape pot in public because there is a state ban on smoking pot in public and it’s like why risk getting busted for that when

Man the props department at SNL must be having a field day with the Spicer skits.

I see a similar thing happen all the time with rock climbing. A lot of guys will have a physical advantage over women when they first start and will be able do harder climbing routes. But they’re basically muscling their way through so they don’t really learn the proper technique or develop any grip strength. Because

I would imagine that many tablets now probably have some sort of software that could allow that or you could simply write everything with a stylus.

From a university stand point fraternities and sororities can actually provide a lot of benefits to a school. Outside of the obvious alumni interest, greeks tend to have way higher retention rates then non-greeks, they will often act as recruiters for the school (hosting and chaperoning perspective student events) and