Considering the US military itself has stated no one was killed and the leaks ended up only having negligible impact on operations, you’re full of shit.
Considering the US military itself has stated no one was killed and the leaks ended up only having negligible impact on operations, you’re full of shit.
Thanks for scrolling to the bottom of the page! Next time please read the article while you do it. You might learn something.
Not everyone has full coverage. Not sure of the laws in Canada, but in most US states the mandatory insurance required (Collision Insurance) covers only the damage you do to others’ cars and property should you have caused an accident.
Already noticed how you already have a grey (with a history of toxic comments) give a long comment claiming all the harassment was made up because one person said to be a harasser hadn’t done it and well because this Ellie character was a fraud it means the harassment was too by default (even though it takes one look…
Journalists always report without knowing all the facts. It’s the role of a good journalist to say what we think we know, why we think we know it, and include any open questions like whether a source is unreliable, whether there are important people to a story who’ve been asked to comment and not done so yet, etc.…
(One of those players, NathanTheHicc, told Eurogamer that he doesn’t regret role-playing a hate crime in the game and wouldn’t apologize if given the chance. “It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,” he said. “You can…
You’ve never been told that. You may have interpreted statements about white people being racists as targeting ALL white people, but I promise you’ve never been told “all white people are racists.” I know you’re going to reply by expressly stating you have been told that but it won’t make it any less false of a…
You still haven’t read the article, have you?
I like when the comments prove the point of the article.
“The “cartoon strawmanner” presents counter-arguments to something you never actually claimed; they’re fought by pointing out that no one claimed it.”
That’s not a correction. “Some” is the obvious and expected qualifier to that statement. Some Christians all over the country. Some men are trash. Some white people are racist.
I’m playing through both Alliance and Horde questlines simultaneously back-and-forth and politely disagree. So far I’ve done most of Tirigarde Sound and about half of Drustvar (Alliance) and most of Zandalar and about half of Nazmir (Horde). Sure Horde’s side is flashier, but it’s also pretty shallow feeling — in part…
Thank god ICE is here to protect us from nerd artists. They might have drawn a sword on someone.
Well subscriptions are a better form of support. But showing ads to someone who isn’t seeing them doesn’t make Twitch as much money. So maybe let’s not bullshit about supporting creators here.
This right here is the right take. Thank you for that. Sometimes Kotaku goes off the deepend and this is one of them.
Thank you so much for this comment. As a streamer who’s wife has been harassed by both men and women after doing a stream with another female gamer (stuff like “You should date me instead of that cheating asshole, I’d never do that to you” or “You’re a slut who’s married to an unloyal man” and other things, despite…
Well spoken. As I tread through the comments, it bothered me how many people are adamant about arguing past the point that ought to be a conclusion to the discussion.
This might have been a different discussion, had he been a politician, a congressman, a presidential candidate, but his current role as a streamer…
Since I don’t directly comment to greys—and especially greys with backward ass opinions—here goes:
“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.