
Just imagine learning everything we all know, all at once, from the report, and it will blow your socks off.

Sadly, it does not. I went to better schools and have a law degree. He just went to the school for kids who couldn’t even get into Michigan State.

They talk shit behind their boss’ back and look for a new job. 

Man, my boss pulls that shit and it’s not worth it for even our (pretty good) salaries. Then again, we’re only getting paid in dollars, not an invaluable Michigan State education and the privilege of being a College Athlete. 

See, it wasn’t sexist to complain about Janet Jackson - it’s about ethics in nipple exposure. 

I saw this on Twitter (I can’t remember where), but the only valid Jexodus is to kiddush club during haftarah. That’s it.

I saw this on Twitter (I can’t remember where), but the only valid Jexodus is to kiddush club during haftarah. That’s it. 

Democratic leaders have characterized her comments as anti-Semitic

I don’t get it...he’s white.

Later in the second period, Diaby went into the stands to join his family, and they left before the game ended.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the NRA is a terrorist organization that advocates for the rights of terrorists to commit mass murder. The only differences between the NRA and Hamas are the lack of religious affiliation and suicide bombings.

But then you’d have to let him circumcise you.

I didn’t think someone could pull off both-sidesing this, and, well, I was right.

Man, Fresno would be so perfect for them. When I think Fresno, I think Raiders neck tattoo. They should move there and call off the move to Vegas to stay in a city that so perfectly encapsulates the team and its fans.

Only very rarely does a kid get their party on their actual birthday (5/7 chance it’s on a school day). More importantly, the party should be earlier - unless the kid is older, that’s way too late. But yeah, the Super Bowl is a legit reason to move a party, too.

My brother’s bar mitzvah party was during a Stanley Cup Final game featuring our beloved Wings. All of the men in my family, my brother, dad and grandfathers included, were in a side room watching the game. Years later, my wedding was, thankfully, the night between games 1 and 2 of the Wings in the SCF.

Depends which preschool your kid goes to, I guess.

raced home from a child’s birthday party

Well, yeah, the team sucks now, so of course they can start showing the makings of a spine.