Fucking Regis.
Fucking Regis.
I think Ivanka’s done growing.
It’s still better than his brother’s skin suit.
Everything he says gets criticized because, like him, it’s stupid and wrong. Everything she says gets criticized because she’s smart and they can’t stand that they’re not-so-secretly attracted to a woman of color who is smarter than they are.
But what, ontologically, is a “catch”?
Serious question: why aren’t more defensive coordinators former quarterbacks? Once they intimately learn the defensive schemes and sets, with their ability to predict plays, wouldn’t they be better-suited to calling what could stop it? Or is it that their ability to know what’s coming is predicated on looking at how…
I would argue that he’s more deserving of prison than anyone in the Trump family except for 45 himself. Stone is a long-time rat-fucker and Nixon crony (his tattoo - don’t click the link if you want to sleep or eat anytime in the next few days), in addition to having the smarmiest fucking face on the planet.
This is a totally unfair assessment. Betsy DeVos is clearly the administration official with a jacket made out of dalmatian fur.
And yet Isles fans in the 90s-00s look on with wonder and jealously at Chiarelli’s smashing success.
Dear Ben,
That is ridiculous. It should have been unsportswomanlike conduct.
But Crosby leads in the most important category of all: being a good old Canadian boy who grew up eatin’ Tim Bits and watching Grapes on the teevee every Saturday night.
This shit’s gonna be bulletin board material in New England and cause them to romp through to the Super Bowl. Damn it.
Trump, Nielsen and Miller are the murderers, but anyone who votes for any Republican, no matter how “moderate” or how low on the ballot, is complicit. It is the party of caging and killing children. It is the party of evil.
Yup - I was actually thinking of him as I typed that up. He’s a beautiful skater.
Trump and Nielsen are the murderers, but anyone who votes for anyone in the GOP, no matter how “moderate” or how insignificant the office, is complicit.
So, even down to the colo(u)rs, the Oilers are really just the Canadian Knicks! Woah…
Lifelong hockey player here. By far the best skater I ever played with (better than the kid who was drafted) was a guy who was a figure skater until high school. Unreal speed and agility.
It took just a second for the refs to see that his knee went down, then they spent 8 minutes to protest the fact that Army’s quarterback hates the troops.
“Plus, a coach getting shitcanned because he was too online is exactly the type of story that makes more sense in 2018.”