
Ah, to be young and hopped on caffeine pills!

I can smell the herb through my screen.

Everyone I know who believes in detoxing is just dressing up their diet and/or eating disorder. The whole juice cleanse thing is ridiculous— basically tons of sugar.


I, too, have many opinions about chiropractors. I hear you.

I think if your blood is too acidic, you’d be dead.

Chew, swallow, and shit. Three of the three criteria my baby needed to pass to leave the NICU last week.

I’m sorry, why are you being such an angry Prince apologist? Did you not read the quote? Or are you just being a polemic for the sake of being a polemic?

That’s not what she said, however. She literally said,

It’s absolutely your right to include your spouse. I did mine in my three pregnancies and births. But ultimately it was my decision. The mother is the patient in the end. The decision (whether arrived at jointly or not) must come from her voice/ hand. The father is not signing the forms, etc.  

I agree. I would invite input from my husband (equal partner in marriage) throughout my pregnancies (and I’ve had three), but ultimately any decisions were mine in the end because it was my body. It could be a joint decision in that we both came to the same conclusion, but there is a reason the mother is the patient

“If Mayte and Prince knew that they would continue the pregnancy regardless of any genetic screening results, then there’s no reason to get the test done.”

That Prince headline is making me feel a lot of things. On the one hand, having been through the same - the loss of an infant, I totally understand. You never, ever get over it.

Oh, honey. They said an entire bottle of wine, not an entire bottle of whiskey. If we all got help every time we drank a bottle of wine, there would be no economy left.

Oh, go fuck yourself. I just drank a bottle of wine at my desk.

This! Honestly, it’s not that fucking hard to drink a bottle of wine in one night! So many variables! How long is a night? 2, 4, 5 hours? Are you legitimately enjoying what you’re drinking and just want more of it? Do you do this every night of your life, 365 days a year? Is the wine heavy bodied or light bodied? Too

“I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step.”

Yes. Racial hatred isn’t merely a different opinion.

That would be nice if it were equal opportunity, but I suspect this is like the slut/stud dichotomy.