
in regards to your comment to boredatwork: abusive assholes misrepresent themselves intentionally, and study how to fool people into thinking they are decent until they have someone’s trust, and then when they have you alone they strike. and here you are blaming women’s lack of discernment for that.

Hard to report trouble when all the neighbors are dead.

i honestly don’t understand how someone could pay for companionship. this is something i will never understand about men, how many are willing to do that. i can’t fathom the level of desperation and loneliness (and whatever else is going on, the commoditisation of human interaction) it would take to prompt someone to

I quit my soul-crushing job last week and I’m moving far, far away next month. Excited about a new beginning.

your sample is biased because men who know they need help in the bedroom come to you—that means they are already willing to acknowledge that they need help, and are willing to accept instruction. many men are not so willing to accept instruction from their female lovers, because many men are insecure and deal with

Been there too exactly. How graphically clear can you get? Literally DON’T STOP DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING YES (isn’t that what they want for crissake? They are actually being successful but....what?? why??) and then they totally change it. WHY??? And then I hear some stand up frazzled male comedian saying “whyyyy don’t

I don’t get why anyone would think porn could teach them anything about lovemaking. Well, maybe that newfangled kind that they seem to be making primarily with women in mind.

I hear you on that. I gave this one a few chances because he was nice enough and I hoped he would listen to explicit directions, but nope. ...sigh...

you don’t seem to be aware of how many men refuse instruction. lots of women are capable of saying what they like in bed (including myself) but not lots of guys are good at accepting that information gracefully.

if you think giving a woman head involves “sticking your tongue in a hole” then you are not speaking truth, bro.

Hate to say it, but most guys need to stop being sensitive little babies when the woman they’re with offers a suggestion on how to “do it better”. Don’t get insecure, man! Get after it! She’s literally giving you a roadmap to what works for her! Use it!

probably best to stay away from women altogether as your contempt comes through pretty clearly here.

But there’s an odd phenomenon among some men. If the woman says she likes something the man immediately stops doing it!

I’m very vocal about what I want/like/need to get off & there’s nothing more frustrating than a dude who refuses to listen or adjust his technique if whatever he’s doing isn’t working for me.

It’s so aggravating, isn’t it?

So in your view the problem was that she wasn’t having orgasms obediently enough?

My man spent about 2 seconds worrying about how it could make me orgasm more efficiently than he could. Then he tried it. Weeks later I had to buy myself a new one because he basically stole it. Still cracks me up.

Because some of them have sex with men?

If you don’t go downtown, then I have no time for you. Tongue on my clit, or get the fuck out.

So wanna know something that took me atleast 20 male partners to learn?