It’s just a complete, inexplicable coincidence that a guy who absolutely never raped a woman would be encouraging girls to be silent, right?
It’s just a complete, inexplicable coincidence that a guy who absolutely never raped a woman would be encouraging girls to be silent, right?
Rapist scumbag thinks women should be “quiet”. Shocking.
Man, someone really took their time to make an account just to defend this asshole.
Nothing inspires self-confidence like being told in your young and malleable years to shut up, expect nothing, accept what you get, and let the men tell you what that will be.
Is your name Jimbo? Or are you actually Jameis Winston? Only some jackass that needs this d-bag, or that d-bag himself would be this delusional. Yeah, he didn’t get convicted because the school basically helped him weasel his way out of it so he could keep winning them foosball games for them. That’s what happened.…
Never raped anyone in my youth. Sorry. That shit is on him and will be there for the rest of his life. Only people that defend rapists are rapists.
Sexism aside, I’d like to note that the “live your dream/if you can dream it, you can do it/I can do anything” is actually pretty bad advice.
Oh lordy don’t get me started on those women. Especially here - people will get mad. I have a really hard time understanding or believing that, but like you said, of course it’s happened to somebody. I personally think you ought to give a friend a bit more of a chance than that - sometimes people are busy, phones…
No, I’m talking people who straight up haven’t met ever. Obviously the situations you mentioned in your last comment are a totally different thing. Google it. I’m telling you, it does happen, and those people do very much believe they are in an actual relationship. And sometimes they actually work out - I’m guessing…
The last thing I am is silent and gentle.
I’ll be polite, but only to the extent that someone is polite to me. The minute you start to dictate to me or my daughters how we’re supposed to be based on our gender, politeness goes out the window. I didn’t survive through several long years of systematic sexual abuse and…
I was joking. It obviously didn’t land. :( Back to the comedy drawing board for me!
I think you have the right attitude. But I’ve come to feel that even casually meeting someone from online can be a “waste of energy.” I used to be more accommodating, but I now turn down a good 98% of the people who have wanted to meet via OKCupid. I’m just not sure it’s the way to go anymore. I’ve begun to suspect…
Because many humans in 2017 are incapable of face to face communication.
I think you can be both, but the concept of traditional marriage is pretty inherently “non-feminist”.
Do you know about the British governement cats? They don’t belong to the leaders but rather to the buildings/departments. There’s one for the pm residence but also a few others.
Yeah. In my fantasies, I’m that kind of person. Blissfully living a life unburdened by the everyday scrabbling of ordinary humdrumery.
Mariah seems like my least favorite type of person
I think that the first sign that the marriage isn’t going to be great is if something does change after marriage. Mr. Smuttins and I lived together for five years before marriage, and I found the elbow knudge/knowing look “everything changes after marriage” comments leading up to the wedding weird and pitiful at…
Damn, we are really back in the 50s, aren’t we?
Noklew and I have been together 23 years. Monogamy hasn’t been that difficult for either of us. But Scarlett comes into contact with many more attractive, talented, interesting people than we do.