
Mariah seems like my least favorite type of person

Or keep them from marrying someone who’s almost perfect for them because they’re looking for someone who’s absolutely perfect.

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. And that’s kind of the situation I find myself in right now. I started to date both of these guys at the same time, and I like both of them. So I’m going to continue to see both of them. At some point I might decide to just see one of them, but right now I am enjoying the

I think that the first sign that the marriage isn’t going to be great is if something does change after marriage. Mr. Smuttins and I lived together for five years before marriage, and I found the elbow knudge/knowing look “everything changes after marriage” comments leading up to the wedding weird and pitiful at

Damn, we are really back in the 50s, aren’t we?

Noklew and I have been together 23 years. Monogamy hasn’t been that difficult for either of us. But Scarlett comes into contact with many more attractive, talented, interesting people than we do.

“Two marriages dunzo by 32 is suggesting something.”

Alternatively, there isn’t a “right” man because monogamy isn’t for everyone.

Disappointed. There doesn’t need to be a black person on this dysfunctional and ridiculous show. I am very happy for white people to own this nonsense.

I nap and stay in on the weekends. I’m a huge introvert and going out in public just seems like an huge chore after working with the public all week.

So does this count as more or less embarrassing than when George H. W. Bush vomited on the Japanese PM?

Yes, but they were in AMERICA. In America, we clamp down on your hand like a vice, stare directly into your eyes as a display of dominance and shake until a little bit of poop falls out.

He’s not actually a successful businessman.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

Gimme a fucking break. Her lack of action in the last 2 months shows she doesn’t care a bit. This is a staffer’s tweet. She’s not gonna save us.

Uhhhh, they just saw you in court and you lost, dumbass.

In his defense, yelling “see you in court!” right after a verdict is pretty funny.

Apparently he wants to get into politics, and having kids always makes you look more responsible or something

I feel this way when anyone I like and respect gets pregnant. Just a little part of me dies inside.