
Yes, how absurd and unfair. My eyes rolled so hard it was audible. The difference is that those other shitty companies don’t attempt to profit from/make a brand off of being “feminist.”

This isn’t very subtle concern trolling. Here’s a hint; if you want people to believe you really are whatever you claim to be, don’t adopt the talking points of the opposite end of the spectrum and embed them in your comment.

You’re throwing the word “bully” around a lot, but I don’t think it means what you think it means. Aaron Carter, here, seems to think that “criticize” and “disagree with” are synonyms for bullying. They are not. Bullying comes from a position of power. Internet commenters offering dissenting opinions, even rudely, are

It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an a person that believes differently then than them they do.

LOL. You really think anyone is buying your bullshit? Nice try, but, no, you are not good at this.

Ha, yeah, you keep up the trolling, boyo, get your rocks off.

You seem really upset about the “shutting down of roads”, aka, peaceful protesting. It wasn’t even on a weekday, ffs. Get over it. Also, I don’t believe for 2 seconds that you are actually a Democrat, a liberal, or work on the Clinton campaign.

It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an person that believes differently then them.

I remember that. It was almost certainly just an autonomic response, nothing to worry about, but I liked that anonymous man for worrying about it!

I feel like people like this, scum of the earth who cant even empathize for the pain he has caused his own daughter... These sociopaths who have no hope of being rehabilitated, THESE are the people that should be executed. They are useless to society and the world is a bad place for having them in it...

Why the fuck would ANYBODY do this to their OWN CHILD. Jesus fucking christ.

This is a man who should be edited out of society, and I wouldn’t hold a lot of anger toward anyone who’d take one for the team.

What a disgusting POS. That man’s words to the judge make me want to hunt him down and kill him. Except that he deserves to spent half his life in jail. And that poor girl.

Seriously. His dick should be cut off and fed to dogs while he watches them eat it.

Jesus, seriously. He fucking ruined her life. I can’t fathom how a teenaged girl could ever recover from having this done to her. Fuck him. May he never have another peaceful moment in his pathetic life. Fuck him. Fuck. Him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck

Some days I’m deeply conflicted about how I feel about capital punishment. Other days not so much. reports that the man wept in court, telling the judge, “I’m giving away many years of my life.”

You LIKE the idea of ILLNESS? I’m not meaning to offend with the term mentally different. I just hate any idea that a difference is inherently assigned value or level. I prefer being different, not ill. I understand from an experienced personal standpoint the pros/cons of either term. Words can be weighty, I’m sorry

I probably feel the same way as you do about this issue, but I doubt the discrepency between the genders is mostly due to men somehow being more just or sex positive. A lot of people disapprove of sex work period, and some people only approve of it because they’re consumers or potential consumers, rather than on moral

The point is that often the women AREN’T consenting and I really doubt any man stops to find out or even care. And the wives of the johns aren’t consenting either — to either secret betrayal or sexually transmitted diseases that they’d never think to check for to treat.