
And I’ve seen friends go through infertility treatments and multiple rounds of IVF and end up with two awesome twin girls and a marriage that’s stronger than ever. I assume we are trading anecdotes that have nothing to do with this story...

Is his brother single and not a felon...? Asking for a friend 😬

His brother is hotter.

Why is up to you to question her decision? Feel free to adopt all the kids YOU want.

Yup. I don’t know what people think adoption is, but there’s no baby store where you just pick one out and hand over a small amount of cash. My friend who is almost done is coming up on 2 years since her foster girls first came into her home - and her adoption from foster care has been about as smooth as they possibly

This is a really shitty attitude to have towards infertile women. It’s not their obligation to adopt the orphan children of the world.

Have you actually tried adopting? It’s extremely difficult, harrowing, and can be traumatic... for the adopting couple as well as the child, of course.

I’m sorry you went through all that, but thank you for sharing. People don’t like to believe that adoption isn’t as easy as “snap your fingers and don’t be a shitty person,” but it obviously isn't.

Ahh yes, being single does make it more difficult.

Spoken like someone who knows fuck-all about adoption.

I also haven’t cared about being pregnant (which I am now), but we did IVF because it was less expensive and more likely to result in us having a child faster than adoption. Adoption is awesome, but agreed that there is nothing “just” about it! Also congrats on your kid! Glad you could make your family!

Sadly, adoption is more difficult than any other option of having a child.

Thank you! Also - not necessarily cheaper. We just recently adopted. It was incredibly difficult. We spent several years trying to go through our state foster care system (who lost our paperwork NUMEROUS times) before giving up and going private. It can get expensive. You can face numerous rejections/false starts/etc.

I personally don’t want children and pregnancy terrifies me, but stories like yours break my heart everytime. Seeing people who you know would make wonderful parents and it just not working out, it’s high top five of ways life is unfair.

I hate when people say “you should JUST adopt.” As an adoptive parent, there is no “just” about the adoption process. It’s emotionally grueling and can be even more expensive than fertility treatments. I mean, I, personally, have never had a desire to be pregnant. I’m totally in love with my kid and that’s great for

Can we just get it in our heads that it is not solely the duty of infertile people to carry the burden of our foster care systems? This woman has already adopted three anyways, but it seems like whenever an infertile person seeks to birth a biological child there are a bunch of people just waving their hands around

Seems like an unnecessarily hostile reaction. What basis do you have for assuming her adopted children would be cared for any less by their mother if she were recovering from a major medical procedure or if she gave birth to a biological child?

I’m sorry you’re a judgy asshole who shits on women’s choices.

That was unnecessary and kind of mean.

The hospital maybe should’ve waited a little bit before publicly declaring success? Aren't organ transplants really touchy for a while? Poor Lindsey :(