
Therein lies the problem with kim. She doesn’t give a fuck about revenge porn or social justice. She just likes the attention. How do people not get this

Amber Rose and Kim are gonna basically own sex-positivity after this.

If she cared about empowering women she would tell her husband not to say that Taylor Swift should have sex with him for making her famous (even tho she was winning an award when he interrupted her), and also tell him to stop slut shaming his exes (even though he’s probably had sex with just as many women as them and

I have watched KUWTK from the beginning. I don’t have the same visceral responses to them that most people do. However, Kim, Kylie and Bruce/Caitlyn have worked every last one of my nerves lately. I’m one of those people who doesn’t get the selfie thing but Kim seems to be self-obsessed. I recall an episode a few

Yeah right. She’s “over” body shaming the way everyone else is “over” getting a paycheck each month. Literally the only thing she has going for her is her body, and she’s gonna ride that train over and over again with each “leaked” pic or sex tape.

She won’t and sorry, but I see no reason why she should be held up as some example when there are actually brilliant women who do make a difference. Let’s not pretend she is Elizabeth Warren, Melissa Franklin, or of any actual substance. She stands for vapid consumerism, and if that is your thing, so be it. She makes

Seriously. Love how she suddenly grows a brain each time she gets criticized so she can play victim for a minute. Empowerment my ass... Or hers...

Eh, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Do we get to talk about KK’s ‘realness’ when she’s getting into Twitter feuds with Blac Chyna and Amber Rose, or boasting about ripping people off via her video game, calling Chloe unknown and Midler washed up?

I guess no bodyshaming only applies if you’re thin and beautiful? Because the Kardashians bodyshame Rob all. the. time.

Where was cool and real Kim when her family and husband slut shaming Amber? He did like literally last month. Where was this empowered Kim? Oh I get, slut shaming is wrong when it only concerns her. And people aren't slut shaming her, they are attention whore shaming her, big difference. Let me know when this

yes, she is just so comfortable with her body that she has altered or augmented every corner of it. she body shamed herself. i thought she was beautiful 13 years ago. she is hardly recognizable today.

FFS, are people really falling for this crap? First of all, nobody wants you to be ashamed of your body Kim, you know, the one you actually have, not the one you use lies, photoshop and surgery to trick us into thinking you have naturally. Secondly, the great majority of us aren’t slut shaming you, we are simply

I agree with everything you said except that I think you laid out almost all the reasons why she isn’t a good person.

I’m a bad role model for being proud of my body?”

Like, 2 weeks after her “empowering” husband internationally slut-shamed his ex? Not into it.

How about enough is enough of giving this woman the attention she desperately craves.

“I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.”

A cynical person might think that this was all a bunch of ginned-up controversy to distract the Internet from the fact that her husband appears to be having an emotional breakdown of some sort.

Without her consent? Are you serious with this?

If she wasn’t ashamed of her body, why all the surgery/work on it? Just askin.