
It is far worse than heartbreaking:( Everyone’s relative is “toxic” now: “just get them out of your life.”) I am the ‘blacksheep’ in a highly opportunistic, grasping/greedy narrow-minded family. They Gaslit me hard to keep me out of sight. I stand to gain a sizeable inheritance, but I never will. They want it, and

The way she described Ben reminds me of many women’s relationship with narcissistic men (I know that n word is thrown around a lot, but I think it’s an epidemic in this culture.) Reaaaally trying to avoid ever being with anyone who is Brilliant And Generous And Charismatic but makes me feel small. Big people should

I have always loved her, since the Alias days, and I love her even more now. “Bless his heart.”? Hahahahahhahaha. You go, Jen. I may watch 13 Going on 30 tonight when I'm drunk with my visiting bestie in her honor.

Men project their feelings of inadequacy onto women. Men are very insecure and childish.

Yeesh. The addict comment was crappy, plus the digs at sexworkers.

I vehemently disagree. I know a bunch of people in their 50s who look really damn good.

Johnny Depp is sporting a weird, droopy goatee thing, a man-choker, and what looks like three safety pins in his ears. Excuse me if I don’t take him at his word regarding anything he says about his personal grooming.

Does he have safety pins in his ear? What the fuck. You are not a punk rocker in the 70's. Get out of here.

Damn strait. I have hot sex with whomever I please, whenever I please. Get a bed and an apartment all to myself. Have great friends and family that are on call at all times, that I love passionately, and that are always there to party with and confine in. And I never have to sacrifice, compromise, or ask permission.

Maybe you are perpetually single because there are lots of nutcases out there and you’re sane enough not to go for crazy. I married a good guy through sheer blind luck; I can’t tell you how many people I know who are in exactly that sort of situation, where I tell myself the guy must have a magic dick, or own a secret

All of this. My friends who are in relationships seem to be either miserable or pissed off at least 75% of the time, yet whenever we talk about these things they never fail to tell me that I’ll want to be in a relationship when I find the right person and it’s just sooo much better than being alone and being with

You are the human equivalent of a pumpkin spice latte.

Sunk cost fallacy.

As another perpetual single this is something that I’m dying to know as well.

DC is one of the most segregated cities in the country...

Most of us don’t hang out with the racists. I absolutely believe that racism is a thing and know that many of my friends have to deal with crap like this every day. But I was raised in a multicultural community, married into a not racist family and don’t have racist friends. I have heard a white person use the “n

What? Here’s what’s absurd: I bet in your circle there are more than a few people who deal with either or both, and you probably don’t even get it.

Seriously. They’ve been expendable since the invention of the freezer.

Seriously. Can’t they be more like bees where the males fuck and then fuck off the mortal coil? D; The longer they stick around, the more they expect women to care for them, instead, like children who refuse to grow up.